Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

Help...David Archuleta Petition for Apologize ( 1republic cover)

from femalefirst

David Archuleta Petition For Apologize

02-06-2009 15:15

David Archuleta has been a popular topic today… after I blogged about him yesterday, it would appear that I’m not alone in wanting to get him to record his own version of OneRepublic’s Apologize.

So, with you - the David Archuleta lover in mind, I decided it was time we got a petition together that we could - provided we get enough signatures - present to his record label and hopefully get Apologize whizzing around in our CD player sometime soon.

Although he has a fantastic self-titled album in the shops, what better way to kick of the summer sunshine than buy getting our mitts on a copy of this song? Or even a whole album of cover’s as brilliant as this?

What’s more, many of you even seem to prefer David’s version of the song to the original, so, with all respect to Ryan Tedder, surely it would be a crime to leave it unrecorded?

Either way though, we loved a bit of the ArchRepbublic pairing back in 2008, and so I have made it my goal to get Mr Archuleta to get back into the studio and to belt out his version of Apologize - or at least a B-Side, and make us all happy!

Who’s up for a little petition? Come on guys, I know you love David as much as me!

FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison

YAY...I know Ruth is a us guys... we know that david is working on his 2nd i think its a good chance to show david that his fans want him to sing apologize Or this kind of song in his 2nd album..Who know if this petition going huge Ryan Tedder want to make some song for david..just like what he did to Jordin...HOPE..*cross finger n toes n everything that i could crossed*

2 komentar:

Ai Hasibuan mengatakan...

ga cukup versi live nya aja dek?

all hoed mengatakan...

gak da kata puas buat david archuleta...hehe
gak tau bang..ikut ikutan orang Uk sono..