Selasa, 20 Mei 2008

please vote for david archuleta

taken from


"This is it. we're one step away from the title, and we're giving it to archie no matter what. 4 hours of voting await us this tuesday, and although the thought of that tires us already, may the magical moment of archie winning the ai crown overpower it.

I cannot encourage you more than asking you to imagine that moment: archie + tears + confetti + standing ovation. it already overwhelms me just thinking about it, so much that i will make sure i vote for the entire 4 hours (7 hours, pm me). i hope that moment inspires you even more to beat whatever record number of votes you have had before.

This may be the closest final 2 ever, and we shouldn't be intimidated by what other fanbases and other prediction sites or bloggers say. The season started with us believing archie, and the season will end with us believing in him even more. We can do this, angels. I know we can!

This is it, the final push that archie needs. we're not turning back now, not after a whole season of backing our boy, we aren't! we sent him to the final 2, and we'll make sure he's going to win it all the way!"


after read it i hope u got goosebumps just like me and it will more encourage you to vote more harder n harder than's some tips for arch angel outside usa who wants to vote 4him this tuesday..

1st step u should do is download gizmo at or just looking4 it at google.
Remember, this is best used as a supplement voting tool, in addition to landline and texts. Request a friends, cousin or parent to do the gizmo voting while you do the text voting. Be sure to teach him/her ahead of time how to vote regularly, and how to vote using the 25votes trick.

to avoid from another contestant fans(of course cook), to get the trick to cast 25vote please email lilian ku at or (untuk indonesia email saja saya di

WHEN to vote?
This gizmo chat voting option works during the entire 7 HOURS during the finale week across time zones! It begins to work when the first voting block opens on the East Coast (9pm EST) and ends when the last voting block closes on the West Coast (1am PST).
So this means that East Coast fans can vote from 9pm-4am EST, Central time zone fans can vote from 8pm-3am CST, Mountain time zone fans can vote from 7pm-2am, West Coast fans can vote from 6pm-1am.(untuk indonesia kemungkinan waktu vote sekitar pukul 9-12 siang hari rabu besok..minggu lalu saya masih bisa vote pukul 10.30 wib tapi karena ini grand final, vote akan dimulai lebih lambat  dan akan dibuka lebih lama sekitar 4jam..mungkin dari pukul 9-2 selalu ada waktu untuk vote..kalo kalian baru baca tulisan ini dan ingin dapat tricknya email saja saya..insya Allah saya balas as soon as possible.. and once again for archie fans only...kalo kalian pake untuk vote cook gw sumpahin mandul(he he)pokoknya jangan vote cook deh..silahkan vote cook tapi jangan pake cara/trik ini karena yang nemuin arch angel.jangan suka membajak karya orang yaa)..
saya juga menuliskan trick khusus untuk kontak if u wanna see the trick "be my contact"(and once again for arch angel only)

for anyone who knew another trick to vote without gizmo please tell me..please
and buat tmen temen yang tau the exactly time to vote..kasih tau juga yaa..terima kasih..mohon maaf kalo ada yang tersinggung..
live blog during american idol n result show:
2. go to and go to chatboxes page

4more information, go to this page:

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