Kamis, 22 Mei 2008

all arch angel cries,cookies(not cook) won the american idol

hate to say this(or write)..
life is unfair...
archie knock out cook in the competition but cookies knock out arch angel in the voting lines..
it's all about voting..with 97.5 million vote,break the record over 23 million,archie got 44%,cook got 56%.archie lose 12million vote from cook.(how could it happen?)
(coba ikut mamamia pasti juri vote lock and juri pada milih archie)..he he..

but its all just beginning of all..
many people compare this top 2 with  ruben studdart and clay aiken..and now who's more success?
As the runner up, Aiken received a recording contract with Clive Davis of J Records.  Later that year, Clay went on to score a record in album sales, with over 613,000 albums of “Measure of a Man” in it’s first week of release.(di indonesian idol juga gitu kan,liat aja delon,judika)

i hope that wil happen to our little archie..
jalan masih panjang,,,lagian masih dapat jatah rekaman album kan..
that's the best way ALLAH made for him..and that way always the best..who know what the future brings?only God who know..

i will still become arch angel for u archie...

1 komentar:

Jojo Nozuka mengatakan...

g yakin banget karirnya archie bakalan lebih sukses...