1st surprise began oct14 when ratethemusic.com suddenly gave us 2 snippet song to rate..its "my hands" and "touch my hands"..i wondered why all the song has "hand" in it...maybe becoz archie always have an uncontrollable hand motion when he sing..hehhe
first time i heard "my hands"..directly in that moment im falling in love to the song..the beginning of the song remain me to "with you" chris brown..great..and then the chorus just awesome..got a little bit faster than crush..very easy listening..
2nd song "touch my hands" more slower than my hands and not as easy listening as MH but when the song came at the words "cant let the music stop"..it just hitted me..thud...
1st time read the lyrics i thought that archie wrote the lyrics..bcoz the lyrics told bout stage,band,concert,love at the 1st sight,etc..
this is the link to get both song http://www.sendspace.com/file/twrppe
2nd surprise..oct18 or 19here..fansofdavid got surprise from their inbox..a song called 'a little too not over you'..seems like someone from archie team or jive or azoff wanted to know our reaction (archangels) bout the song...i thought it completely different from previous 2 song..this song got a little bit boyband touch..the lyrics...IM MELTING..i love the falsetto..auuuusssssooommmmeeee..he got more mature in each song..
this is the link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/5di01d
if i had to choose...i choose..........jreng4....MY HANDS...
14 komentar:
the cover is cut!!
better than the original!
hehhe..the dark side of archie..
it's hilarious!
i think you should use that as ur HS....
iya iya..good idea...tapi aku kan orang yg setia..klo dah cnta ma hs trtntu pst long lasting..gak kya sapa tuh namanya ...ai yah...hehe..dlm shari bsa gnt hs brkli2..
u rilly push it, dear...
hahaha..ayam sori..hsx srius amat..waktu daftar kerja neh???
waktu kuliahan....
wah klo ngmng kul,jd inget 2hri llu..ikt sminar diajak tmn..eh trnyt mterix sunset policy..wkt ikt sminar smbl mikir..buat apa ikt sminar ckup tnya ma ai kan bsa..mlah kykx lbih mudeng diajar ai..hehe
sunset policy yessss???
emang heboh......
sini ku sunset2 kau!!
di sunset apa neh?sunset beach..jdi inget sinetron luar yg jdul..
istilah untuk menhajar ajah...
worst than the original..
where's his eyes???
the most thing that i like from him is his eyes...
i wanna have that eyes.... hehehe...
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