wow.. i wanna go to that world...archie everywhere..
Selasa, 30 Desember 2008
Welcome To David Archuleta World
Jumat, 26 Desember 2008
David Archuleta Christmas Song Compilation
I think it will be the best holiday gift ive ever give..(actually i never gave gift b4 hehe)..
This is compilation from archie performance from many jingle..jingle jam,jingle ball,jingle bash...jingle etc...hehe..too manya the end of his performance he always sing one christmas song for the audience...actually he got to sing song from his album but he decided to sing christmas song..what a mormon kid..
listen to his angelic voice and his interpretation of the song..GOOSEBUMPS..even for someone who not celebrate christmas like me..
thanks to FOD for the compilation..
Happy Birthday David Archuleta from Indonesian ArchAngels
TOMORROW...aarrhh..28th December..
we cannot show our love directly to him since "there's too many barriers"..we got mountain to hiked,ocean to crossed,money to stole from bank,parents to tied for they won't let us go to usa..but again our love is as much as state archangels or even bigger..they just lucky enough that david was born there..hehe
Even we couldnt face him, we still loyal to our master(this word just too much just too much)..we prove that we are the best archangels in this whole universe..hoho..let me be uppish for a second...
-we succeed to make archie cd become extinct and make another 'older rocker unshaved david' cd look like a pile in the music store...for in every music store they always put it side by side..
-we proudly attack every local radio station in Indonesia and made their dj n music director stress for flood over flood sms and called who request song from one person named david archuleta..and the result just fascinating..crush become no1 in sooo many week and altnoy become no1 in just a week with requested sms 4x bigger than no2 position.and we NOT even organize it..Our Country have so much region scattered between 17000 island which is the length equal with whole asia and some europe country collected together..we have group and website but our member couldnt handle that much..(go to our website to see recap chart in Indonesia radio station)
theres another thing but i think u already sick with my uppish side..
THANK YOU SO MUCH kimi-cool for gathering,editing and makes this video..and another archangels for sacrified their time to made this great video and not include for im just too busy with my non exisiting job..haha..
Kamis, 25 Desember 2008
David Archuleta - A Little Too Not Over You Super HQ
THIS IS BETTER THAN MV FROM from itunes darker than this..found it on the director site who made this mv..i forget the name..
WARNINGGGGG!!!!!!!! GIRLS N BOYS maybe...WATCH OUT WITH HIS EYESS...SO SHAARPP..his eyes like mentalist..can bend the spoon..hehe
WOW..its been like a century im not updating this site..although nobody missed me but i still love to write to this site and makes BILLION GRAMMAR N TENSES FAULT...hehe..
yeah..maybe its too late to upload it since the premiere at yahoo was on december 16 or 17 (sorry for this granma memory) again i never post something update right..always obsolete..haha..ok done with my random thing..ENJOY THE it so much..
Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2008
It kinda big surprise for me coz i never seen something like this in indonesia..or maybe im just didnt know yet..hehe...Another country like Singapore even have to wait till 17th november to get the album(ralat:yg bener trnyt tgl10..hehe).
If you want to order the album please visit for more information.You can pre order the album even if you'r not member..
Lets made it platinum here...who knows...AMIN.
Go Indonesian Archangels
Jumat, 24 Oktober 2008
would you be my friend please
im not really good in reallife friendship..but i'll try in virtual friendship..haha...
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008
David Archuleta Indonesia The house of Indonesia Arch Angels
Indonesia archangels finally found their home..visit our site..its all about david and david and david...we got many project and join us..
GOSH..3 new leaked song from upcoming david archuleta album in less than 1week
1st surprise began oct14 when suddenly gave us 2 snippet song to rate..its "my hands" and "touch my hands"..i wondered why all the song has "hand" in it...maybe becoz archie always have an uncontrollable hand motion when he sing..hehhe
first time i heard "my hands"..directly in that moment im falling in love to the song..the beginning of the song remain me to "with you" chris brown..great..and then the chorus just a little bit faster than crush..very easy listening..
2nd song "touch my hands" more slower than my hands and not as easy listening as MH but when the song came at the words "cant let the music stop" just hitted me..thud...
1st time read the lyrics i thought that archie wrote the lyrics..bcoz the lyrics told bout stage,band,concert,love at the 1st sight,etc..
this is the link to get both song
2nd surprise..oct18 or 19here..fansofdavid got surprise from their inbox..a song called 'a little too not over you'..seems like someone from archie team or jive or azoff wanted to know our reaction (archangels) bout the song...i thought it completely different from previous 2 song..this song got a little bit boyband touch..the lyrics...IM MELTING..i love the falsetto..auuuusssssooommmmeeee..he got more mature in each song..
this is the link:
if i had to choose...i choose..........jreng4....MY HANDS...
Sabtu, 27 September 2008
Rating: | ★★★★ |
Category: | Movies |
Genre: | Kids & Family |
Quotes from this movie:
DREAM BIG(yg bnr dream big ato big dream toh), HOPE ,FAITH and FRIENDSHIP n 1 thing for sure : IKHLAS
“Kita hidup harus memberi sebanyak banyaknya bukan menerima sebanyak banyaknya”Pak harfan, (not exactly words)
Wuaaahhh…dah malem,baru kelar nonton laskar pelangi langsung pengen review.
Berikut ini adalah kendala kendala penulis yang mengakibatkan review tidak dapat disajikan secara jujur dan akurat (kok kayak nulis skripsi..aarrghh..kepikiran trus..)SATU..datang smua gara - gara banyak anak yang pada mudik imbasnya warung langganan kita banyak yang pada tutup..akhirnya kita nyari warung yang jualanx sesuai dengan selera dan kantong kita, eeeeh dapet dapet antri panjaaang dan laamaaa.. bikin ilfil seribu ilfil..masa pak officernya salah muter roll film seh..jadinya kebalik..alur filmnya jadi error(mungkin petugasnya ngikut ngikut si JONI jadinya roll filmnya datangnya telat)..apalagi buat orang yang belom baca novelnya,,LHO???? *mlongo*..kok gini critanya..kyaknya tadi pak kepala sekolahnya dah meninggal kok jadi idup lagi…perasaan gak ada resurrection stone deh..
Ok lets start the review..
Mengingat menimbang dan menindaklanjuti adanya kesalahan officer dalam memutar roll film,alur film yang ada di otakku masih agak rancu dan sekarang aku malah kena SHORT LOST MEMORY ATTACK. But without all those messed thing all I can say bout this movie is quite complete..gak rugi mang kalo ada riri riza disono,he planned all the stuff to created a good movie..dari casting yang kbnykan asli orang blitung sampe musik yang dikerjain ma keroyokan artis top.Contentnya juga menarik soalnya semua emosi tumplek jadi satu di pilem itu..dari KAGUM melihat kegigihan bu muslimah dan pak harfan(I miss my teacher),kegigihan ikal dan antek anteknya buat sekolah. TERHARU alias nangis,waktu pak harfan meninggal,waktu LINTANG SAID GOODBYE TO HIS FRIENDS(beneran ampir nangis waktu adegan ini sampe sampe biar gak lebay nangisnya kucubitin tanganku sendiri..kan gak asyik masa cowo nangis sesenggukan). sampe uncountable uncontrollable laugh lihat tingkahnya harun yang gak bisa nulis namanya sendiri dengan benar(ahrun),lihat ikal yang rhoma irama wannabe,sampe ulah si mahar yang jiwa seninya sangat hyper bahkan cenderung lebay and pedenya yang minta ampun parah.
Tapi ada beberapa hal yang mungkin tidak dipahami benar oleh orang yang belum baca novelnya kaya aku ini. Sejak awal aku gak tau nama nama karakter di film itu(mungkin gara2 telat datang jadi gak tau ada perkenalannya), ada juga scene waktu lintang yang mengejar sebuah mobil dengan sepedanya tanpa tau alasannya(mungkin juga gara2 salah masang roll yg bkin bingung alur critanya).n kyaknya bakal lebih cool lagi kalo kelanjutan 11 anak itu ditunjukkan ato setidaknya tokoh tokohnya ditemuin di akhir cerita karena diakhir yang muncul cuma ikal and lintang(kan aku pengen liat ahrun eeeh harun pas gedhenya).
And now the answer from the previous question is….toreng toreng toreng… YES… it worth it..sebenernya bukan karena filmnya tok tapi pengalaman yang didapet before n after nonton muvi itu sbgai contoh sebelum berangkat For the very first time I realize kalo aku gak punya sandal yang bagus..hampir aja berangkat pake sandal jepit swallow lagi..untung ada sandal tmen yg mudik jadinya kupake..hehe..slain itu qta berhasil “memperawani” temenku yang theater virgin..waktu kutanya perasaannya pertama kali masuk theater dia jawabnya BINGUNG.apa ini gelap gelap, mo duduk dimana kita,dll hehe..lucu banget…belom lagi gara gara alurnya kacau pilemnya jadi molor akhirnya kita keluar dari matos lewat tangga darurat soalnya mallnya dah tutup..parah..disono kita malah berkhayal kaya’ grup band terkenal yang habis konser.. untuk menyelamatkan dari kejaran para fans jadinya harus lewat tangga darurat..hehe..
Jumat, 26 September 2008
long road to laskar pelangi
Kamis, 25 September 2008
taken from
Clay Aiken: I'm a Gay Dad
By David Caplan
Originally posted Wednesday September 24, 2008 07:00 AM EDT
Following the Aug. 8 birth of his son Parker, singer Clay Aiken is following through on a promise he made to himself as a new dad: to publicly acknowledge that he's gay.
"It was the first decision I made as a father," Aiken, 29, tells the upcoming issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday. "I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things. I wasn't raised that way, and I'm not going to raise a child to do that."
Aiken says he expects the news may overwhelm some of his fans. "Whether it be having a child out of wedlock, or whether it be simply being a homosexual, it's going to be a lot," said Aiken, who returned to Broadway last week as Sir Robin inMonty Python's Spamalot.
He adds that he hopes his fans "know that I've never intended to lie to anybody at all. ... But if they leave, I don't want them to leave hating me."
How He Came Out to His Family
The born-again Christian singer also reveals how he told his mother Faye he's gay four years ago. After dropping off his younger brother Brett, who was being deployed to Iraq, at Camp Lejeune, "I started crying in the car," Aiken remembers. "It was dark. I was sitting there, thinking to myself. I don't know why I started thinking about it ... I just started bawling. She made me pull over the car and it just came out."So what was his mom's reaction? "She started crying. She was obviously somewhat stunned. But she was very supportive and very comforting." Even now, Aiken admits, "She still struggles with things quite a bit, but she's come a long way."
As for his own child, Aiken tells PEOPLE that Parker – who was conceived via in vitro fertilization with his best friend, music producer Jaymes Foster – will be raised in an environment that is "accepting and allowing him to be happy."
Says Aiken: "I have no idea if he'll be gay or straight. It's not something I'll have anything to do with, or that he'll have anything to do with. It's already probably up inside the code there ... No matter what the situation you're in, if you're raised in a loving environment, that's the most important thing."
Sabtu, 20 September 2008
excerpt of BRISINGR 3rd book of the inheritance cycle..THE BOOK LAUNCHED TODAY favorit novel after harry potter finally come...
Forces collide in book three of the phenomenally successful “Inheritance Cycle” by Christopher Paolini. Eragon represents the greatest hope for a better Alagaesia. Can this once simple farm boy rise to become a leader who can unite the rebel forces and defeat the king? Conflict, action and adventure await readers as Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, continue their quest against tyranny. An excerpt.
The elf smiled, revealing teeth that were sharper than normal. “I am Blödhgarm, son of Ildrid the Beautiful.” He introduced the other elves in turn before continuing: “We bring you glad tidings from Queen IslanzadÃ; last night our spellcasters succeeded in destroying the gates of Ceunon. Even as we speak our forces advance through the streets toward the tower where Lord Tarrant has barricaded himself. Some few still resist us, but the city has fallen, and soon we shall have complete control over Ceunon.”
Nasuada’s guards and the Varden gathered behind her burst into cheers at the news. She too rejoiced at the victory, but then a sense of foreboding and disquiet tempered her celebratory mood as she pictured elves — especially ones as strong as Blödhgarm — invading human homes. What unearthly forces have I unleashed? She wondered. “These are glad tidings indeed,” she said, “and I am well pleased to hear them. With Ceunon captured, we are that much closer to Urû’baen, and thus to Galbatorix and the fulfillment of our dreams.” In a more private voice, she said, “I trust that Queen Islanzadà will be gentle with the people of Ceunon, with those who have no love of Galbatorix but lack the means or the courage to oppose the Empire.”
“Queen Islanzadà is both kind and merciful to her subjects, even if they are her unwilling subjects, but if anyone dare oppose us, we shall sweep them aside like dead leaves before an autumn storm.”
“I would expect nothing less from a race as old and mighty as yours,” Nasuada replied. After satisfying the demands of courtesy with several more polite exchanges of increasing triviality, Nasuada deemed it appropriate to address the reason for the elves’ visit. She ordered the assembled crowd to disperse, then said, “Your purpose here, as I understand it, is to protect Eragon and Saphira. Am I right?” “You are, Nasuada Svit-kona. And we are aware that Eragon is still inside the Empire but that he will return soon.”
“Are you also aware that Arya left in search of him, and that they are now traveling together?”
“What do you intend to do, then? Will you seek them out and escort them back to the Varden? Or will you stay and wait and trust that Eragon and Arya can defend themselves against Galbatorix’s minions?”
“We will remain as your guests, Nasuada daughter of Ajihad. Eragon and Arya are safe enough as long as they continue to avoid detection. Joining them in the Empire could very well attract unwanted attention. Under the circumstances, it seems best to bide our time where we can yet do some good. Galbatorix is most likely to strike here, at the Varden, and if he does, and if Thorn and Murtagh should reappear, Saphira will need all our help to drive them off.”
Nasuada was surprised. “Eragon said you were among the strongest spellcasters of your race, but do you really have the wherewithal to thwart that accursed pair?
Like Galbatorix, they have powers far beyond those of ordinary Riders.”
“With Saphira helping us, yes, we believe that we can match or overcome Thorn and Murtagh. We know what the Forsworn were capable of, and while Galbatorix has probably made Thorn and Murtagh stronger than any individual member of the Forsworn, he certainly won’t have made them his equals. In that regard, at least, his fear of treachery is to our benefit. Even three of the Forsworn could not conquer the twelve of us and a dragon. Therefore, we are confident that we can hold our own against all but Galbatorix.”
“That is heartening. Since Eragon’s defeat at the hands of Murtagh, I have been wondering if we should retreat and hide until Eragon’s strength increases. Your assurances convince me that we are not entirely without hope. We may have no idea how to kill Galbatorix himself, but until we batter down the gates of his citadel in Urû’baen, or until he chooses to fly out on Shruikan and confront us on the field of battle, nothing shall stop us.” She paused. “You have given me no reason to distrust you, Blödhgarm, but before you enter our camp, I must ask that you allow one of my men to touch each of your minds, to confirm that you are actually elves, and not humans Galbatorix has sent here in disguise. It pains me to make such a request, but we have been plagued by spies and traitors, and we dare not take you, or anyone else, at their word. It is not my intention to cause offense, but war has taught us these precautions are necessary. Surely you, who have ringed the entire leafy expanse of Du Weldenvarden with protective spells, can understand my reasons. So I ask; will you agree to this?”
Blödhgarm’s eyes were feral and his teeth were alarmingly sharp as he said, “For the most part, the trees of Du Weldenvarden have needles, not leaves. Test us if you must, but I warn you, whomever you assign the task should take great care he does not delve too deeply into our minds, else he may find himself stripped of his reason. It is perilous for mortals to wander among our thoughts; they can easily become lost and be unable to return to their bodies. Nor are our secrets available for general inspection.”
Nasuada understood. The elves would destroy anyone who ventured into forbidden territory. “Captain Garven,” she said.
wanna see another excerpt..visit or shurtugal.comapproximately brisingr in bahasa indonesia would be release in march/april next year...too long..i cant wait..somebody please translate it for me..(sapa loh..hehe)
Senin, 01 September 2008
guys..i really really need your help
HAPPY FASTING...1st day ramadhan..
guys i completely need ur help..(for those cook fans n jobros fans,maybe u cant help me..hihi)
david archuleta is now racing in polling on idollive popstaronline and fangap with cook and jobros..
hours ago we lose in fangap but r8 now we can reverse the condition..but i dont think it will last long coz jobros fans are catching up..we need more ppl n fanblast said we are not about to allow anyone who lives on JoBro Lane to come into our neighborhood to snag our flag!..
how dare offense..just be fair..
one more poll we compete with jobros fans..on popstaronline we lead for a long time but today the percentage is going near..only 1% gap..o please mtv pimp my please ppl pimp this out..random..i dont know what that words mean..hihiihi..
and the last..we face like eternal enemy(oh no,just brother)..but i guess we dont want archie got no2 again behind cook(why always cook)...we got so much left in this race..cook already leading by 200 vote..please please please..
if u want to vote for david 1866 43657 02..past..ok this the real thing:
- Vote daily in the Teen Choice Best Smile poll - TC says David is losing
- Vote Archie as your favorite Idol here, down the left:
- Vote down the left here that we are indeed the most fanatic fans!!!! I do not know how often this poll can be done. May be just once.
- Vote daily for David in the front page here at Popstar if you can. No need to sign in, just scroll down and poll is on the left.
oh..we got another project..
- dont forget to fill the petition to get crush on TRL
- and another petition to bring david archuleta to superbowl XLIII
ooh gosh im late to the next class.see yaa
Share 4 Life
friend of mine site..check this out..thank you
Rabu, 13 Agustus 2008
Get FREE DAVID ARCHULETA single and album LEGALLY and support him in music industry
i know maybe u already got archie single crush since many weeks ago..but its completely wont make any effect in archie music please even u already got the mp3,please buy the single or album on november..but for u guys who dont have any money to buy both the single or album you can just leave your email here at ur comment below (for single only) and just wait to receive crush gift from or if u want to have the album, go into this thread and give your email for digital album or give your mailing address for physical cd...
FOR complete informaton just visit or previous link..please support archie..
OR maybe u have too much money to spend,so please donate to this project by follow instruction gave from previous thread..
BTW,if u want to ask for single and leave ur email here, please gimme ur email which have no country suffix like or
Senin, 04 Agustus 2008
i cant believe it..after a long time vote and stealing every email address that i know..including all my college friend email and my yahoo groups member..SORRY FOR THAT..very tired though..but worth it..
over 32 votes recorded he won the category..and cook won too(huh)..for tv male reality n variety star..but congrats for him..
archie defeat another heart break er artist like jonas brother,miley cyrus,jesse mccartney,n britney wow.. prove we are most fanatic fans of all..he he...gapapa deh little bit narsis..
i cant imagine when archie go to podium to take the surfboard..oooh priceless..i hope i got the video ASAP..we won we won we won we won..hhehehehehehehehhehehehehe
Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008
here's the lyrics...its hard to find this lyrics...i couldnt even found it on metrolyrics..thanks duran2
i hung up the phone tonight, something happened for the first time, deep inside
it was a rush, what a rush
cause the possibility that u would ever feel the same way about me
its just too much, just too much
why do i keep running from the truth, all i ever think about is you
you got me hypnotized, so mesmerized, and i just got to know
do you ever think, when your all alone, all that we can be, where this thing can go
am i crazy or falling in love, is it really just another crush
do you catch a breath, when i look at you, are you holding back, like the way i do
cause im trying, tryin to walk away
but i know this crush aint goin away, goin away
has it ever cross your mind when were hangin, spending time girl, are we just friends
is there more, is there more
see its a chance we've gotta take, cause i believe that we can make this into
something that will last forever, forever
back to chorus
why do i keep running from the truth, all i ever think about is u
you got me hypnotized, so mesmerized, and i just got to know
back to chorus.
How To Support David’s Upcoming Single Release!
Let’s do our part to make sure that “Crush” tops the Billboard and iTunes charts for weeks and weeks!
How the Billboard charts work:
The goal, of course, is to rocket David Archuleta’s “Crush” to the #1 position on the Billboard charts and on iTunes charts as well. Billboard uses a system called Nielsen Soundscan to track sales (yes, including digital sales made at website such as iTunes); Billboard also uses Broadcast Data Systems to track radio airplay. In fact, a song can chart on Billboard before it is commercially released, based on airplay alone. So requesting that “Crush” be added to playlists and played on radio stations is pretty dang important, even before it’s released as a single. (See #3 below.)
So how do we make “Crush” a #1 hit? Read the list!
1. Buy his single! (Starting September 2nd? That’s our best guess.) DON’T DOWNLOAD ILLEGALLY! DON’T BE SATISFIED WITH AN MP3 RIPPED FROM THE Z100 BROADCAST THIS FRIDAY. Those actions will only hurt David’s career. You will be able to purchase his single digitally from iTunes, Amazon, Wal-mart, Rhapsody, and Napster, as well as other outlets. If you are interested in a physical CD single (not many of those around any more), check your local stores to see if it is available in that format. Buying digital is just fine for singles. Make sure to leave feedback wherever you buy!
2. Gifting! There is a Gifting Campaign for David Archuleta’s upcoming single and album. The intent of this campaign is to make sure all of David’s fans receive the single and the album legally so that David will benefit from royalties as well as sales figures. Free downloads do not count towards his commercial success, and we all want him to do well, right?! We need donors and recipients for this campaign. For more information on this campaign, CLICK HERE and read further instructions on how to donate or be a recipient.
3. Call radio stations to request his single be played. There is an art to this. According to this thread on IDF, contacting the Program Director before the single comes out and requesting the song to be added to the playlist is a good first step! (The program directors create the playlists, not the DJs). Then call the DJs and request the song to be played, but DON’T call over and over again! One call or email per day is enough. You don’t want to annoy them, or there may be backlash reminiscent of the Clay Aiken days, when fans were so annoying that DJs started a movement to NOT play Clay’s music. Be nice; not nasty and obsessive, or you may hurt the cause. You don’t want David to be known as the artist with crazy, obnoxious fans. Don’t call or email radio stations that are not in your listening area, unless they have live streaming audio online. And finally, access Radio & Records to track how much his song is getting played: the more it gets played, the more it moves up the charts. A few years ago, Elliot Yamin’s fans created a wonderful thread discussing how to call radio stations (and how to locate radio stations); it’s definitely worth a look: click here. Remember that his single may be eligible to be added to radio playlists as soon as next Monday, so after it premieres Friday, start calling your radio station program manager and ask him/her to add the song as soon as they can! (Thanks for help on this, Becky!)
4. Contact MTV and VH1 to request the video! I believe I just heard the liquidy sound of thousands of fangirls melting into puddles on the floor: yes, there will most likely be a VIDEO! Okay, take a deep breath…go to MTV’s TRL and VH1’s Top 20 Video Countdown to vote for David’s video as soon as it is available.
5. Visit David Archuleta’s MySpace and leave a comment about how much you love his new song! Remember, his MySpace is administered by his label, so your feedback is important. You must be added as a friend to leave a comment. He also has a Facebook account now! Join there if you wish! And his official website is being launched as we speak, so choose your website and make yourself heard!
6. View his official video on YouTube and leave a comment. Artists’ videos always end up on YouTube; find whatever version has the most views and leave a positive comment.
7. Word of mouth: tell everyone you know about David’s new song! Play it in public! Encourage people to buy it. Gift it.
8. Write letters to TV shows and magazines requesting that David be interviewed and perform his new song: Ellen, Oprah, The Today Show, Good Morning America, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, and the list goes on and on!
*David is signed to a major record label and they will be heavily promoting him, but we can all do our part. The most important thing, of course, is to buy the single!
Selasa, 22 Juli 2008
Senin, 21 Juli 2008
fans pembawa sial????
oooh soo sad....dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan ini semua jaogaonku di music reality show selalu kandas...dan kandasnya pun selalu di akhir akhir episode alias di malam grand final(kalo kandas di babak awal kan bisa cari idola laen,tapi kalo udah final......)(*&^%&%^$%#)....yang bikin makin geraaaaammmm...semua jagoanq itu udah kujagoin sejak babak awal jadi kalo dalam bahasa jawanya udah pokoke mantep tep tep buat milih dia.....tapi yang bikin badan jadi panas dingin dan gak bisa tidur malam adalah semua idolaku kalah dengan tidak adil(menurutku)..
1st.. of course archie..oh gosh...the biggest dissapointment...all judges said he deserved to win the american idol crown..even simon said "n what we had witnesses is a knock out"...all my hope seems like burst from my heart after i heard that words cameout from simon..i think he will won it all..but ITS COMPLETELY WRONG...i already accept it r8now..
pertama kali gw ngefans idol2 dari reality show..kalo gak salah neeh sejak AFI1..waow its phenomenal show..kayaknya jalanan jadi sepi kalo afi1 mulai...waktu itu kyaknya gw ngidolain hera..eeeh kalah..ya udah pindah ke kia..eeeh yang menang veri..1st dissapointment.
lanjuut..hampir bersamaan muncullah INDONESIAN IDOL...toreng toreng toreng..
kalo gak salah pertama kali gw ngefans sama WINDA sasha..
eeeeeeh lupa sebelumnya ada AMERICAN IDOL season2(sayang gak bisa liat AI season1..kalo ada pasti bakal dukung kelly clarkson ato tamyra)...di season 2 AI gw dah sure dengan setulus hati bakal ngejagoin CLAY AIKEN
setelah itu gak ada lagi yang dijagoin dengan sepenuh hati..std std smua..sampe ada archie
KESIMPULAN...semua penyanyi yang kujagoin pada gak beruntung semua..ada yang menang tapi karirnya gak berjalan dengan lancar..huaaaa huuaa sedih deh..
kalo tau gitu mending dari dulu gw ngefans berat aja sama cook ato si ruben onsu(eeh studdart)...biar mereka kalah..
Senin, 14 Juli 2008
celine dion - then you look at me
last friday trans7 nayangin film The Bicentennial Man(susah bgt spellx) remind me with my favorite song ever from my favorite ever diva Celine Dion...i really love this song..even though i dont know the meaning of this song..
Senin, 23 Juni 2008
Jumat, 20 Juni 2008
david archuleta performances during american idol (live n studio version)
i admitt im not a good fans coz 1st time i saw him on audition..i think he just average..
i start got ODD ( Obsessive David Disorder ) viruzzzzzz when he sang shop how pure he is..i never seen another singer so pure n very humble...just like what simon said..young,likeable,good looking and great voice(semua tumbuh jadi satu...hey hey)..n another side that i always loves from him is his awkwardness..he really funny..even when he's not trying to be funny(cook words)..
but now,i start to worry n afraid bout him..i really afraid he will sucked into blink blink world n all those fake hollywood afraid he will lost his purity n his humble heart..almost certainly he will..but i hope not..really really hope..
ok done with my super awful annoying harsh horrible listen to his angel voice..
1. audition - waiting on the world to change2. hollywood week - heaven 3. top 24 - shop around4. top 20 - imagine5. top 16 - another days in paradise6. top 12 - we can work it out 7. top 11 - long and winding road 8. top 10 - you're the voice 9. top 9 - smoky mountain memories 10. top 8 - angel 11. top 7 - when you believe 12. top 6 - think of me 13. top 5 - sweet caroline 14. top 5 - america 15. top 4 - stand by me 16. top 4 - love me tender 17. top 3 - and so it goes18. top 3 - with you19. top 3 - longer20. TOP 2 - dont let the sun go down on me 21.TOP 2 - in this moment mp3 22. TOP 2 - imagine
1.(top 12 ) we can work it out
2.(top 11 ) long and winding road
3.(top 10 ) you're the voice
4.(top 9 ) smoky mountain memories
5.(top 8 ) angel
6.(top 7 ) when you believe
7.(top 6 ) think of me
closed with imagine..................
oh gosh, he really put the right time to accept me coz today i really really in my very bad is not my day..all bad thing just hit me over n over again..
n its all finally gone when i open my myspace and saw archie picture (same like my headshot..i really dont know b4 that archie put that picture as his headshot..) in my friend list(he's my 1st friend of course after tom(u know who),coz i made myspace account just for archie..(walau sangat besar kemungkinan yg approve bukan archie,tapi lumayan lah)..ok enjoy..take care...bye...oh btw,please add me at my myspace.. u very much
Sabtu, 14 Juni 2008
david archuleta funniest moment.avi
I try to edit this video by myself..actually i found it in youtube and add some scene..but bcoz i only had very basic video editing application,i really sorry 4 totally horrible harsh out at 8:11..very annoying sound..
if u had another funny videos or another videos about archie or good video editing application,please share with me..thank u very much...
comment please..
Selasa, 03 Juni 2008
result show final AI-08
tooooo late...
kebetulan ada yang request lagu duetnya archie and "masak" yang hero jadi sekalian aja di posting semua video waktu result show..
actually its really hard to post this videos...its remind me with bad moment when ryan said the american idol is......"u know who" (not voldemort)..he he ..i still remember date and time.its may 22 thursday 9.30 am in indonesia west zone..seems like all my power is gone..i felt extremely weak(like Mr.fantastic-rubberman)...oh gosh..i hate that moment..i got sick 4 almost a week after that..very dissapoint..
but its over....keep move on and support archie...i will and always will..
video performances :
1. david archuleta n cook - hero.wmv
2. love guru preview.wmv (very funny)
3. ford commercial.flv
4. davids receive ford hybrids.wmv
5. david archuleta feat one republic - apologize.wmv
6. archie hometown party
7. archie guitar hero commercial (short version)
8. cook - time of my life.wmv
1. david archuleta feat one republic - apologize.mp3
2. david archuleta feat cook - hero.mp3
Senin, 02 Juni 2008
David Archuleta. Fansite For American Idol David Archuleta
got all archie stuff,song,videos from this site....i love this site
thankful for this site existence..i got news about archie from this site
Sabtu, 31 Mei 2008
all david archuleta video performances on american idol
sebagai arch angel gak afdol kayaknya kalo kaga koleksi video performancenya archie saat di american's the link:
1. audition - waiting on the world to change
2. hollywood week - heaven
3. top 24 - shop around
4. top 20 - imagine
5. top 16 - another days in paradise
6. top 12 - we can work it out
7. top 11 - long and winding road
8. top 10 - you're the voice
9. top 9 - smoky mountain memories
10. top 8 - angel
11. top 7 - when you believe
12. top 6 - think of me
13. top 5 - sweet caroline
14. top 5 - america
15. top 4 - stand by me
16. top 4 - love me tender
17. top 3 - and so it goes
18. top 3 - with you
19. top 3 - longer 2 - liat aja postingan sebelumnya,drag down ur mouse..see previous post
i dont know,but me myself always watch it at least once a day (just like eat drugs)..i really got know what i mean? Obsessive David (archuleta of course) Disorder..and its hard to be healed..please share with me if u have the same strange..wait the other videos from star search etc..
NB: coz most of the videoz has flv type..for those who hasnt flv player here's the link flv player
or try to use klite mega codec
Kamis, 22 Mei 2008
all arch angel cries,cookies(not cook) won the american idol
life is unfair...
archie knock out cook in the competition but cookies knock out arch angel in the voting lines..
it's all about voting..with 97.5 million vote,break the record over 23 million,archie got 44%,cook got 56%.archie lose 12million vote from cook.(how could it happen?)
(coba ikut mamamia pasti juri vote lock and juri pada milih archie)..he he..
but its all just beginning of all..
many people compare this top 2 with ruben studdart and clay aiken..and now who's more success?
As the runner up, Aiken received a recording contract with Clive Davis of J Records. Later that year, Clay went on to score a record in album sales, with over 613,000 albums of “Measure of a Man” in it’s first week of release.(di indonesian idol juga gitu kan,liat aja delon,judika)
i hope that wil happen to our little archie..
jalan masih panjang,,,lagian masih dapat jatah rekaman album kan..
that's the best way ALLAH made for him..and that way always the best..who know what the future brings?only God who know..
i will still become arch angel for u archie...
Rabu, 21 Mei 2008
lets pray berjamaah to make david archuleta win american idol
Top 2 video n mp3 :
1. imagine video
2. dont let the sun go down on me mp3
3. in this moment mp3
4. in this moment video
5. dont let the sun go down on me video
6. imagine
after heard that song,i really sure that archie is gonna win this so happy when i heard all the judges said praising word to him like "best singer in this season", "we finally found a star", "round 1 n 2 won by Mr. David Archuleta", "round 3 knock out"...i jump and shout everytime they said that but back to the real life...this is life..everything is upside down,4hours ago i feel so happy but now i feel completely down...manya forum said that cook will win it all..on dial idol dc coming with 43.41% and archie only coming with 31.29....WHAT...after all the thing that i have done to vote like crazy man he only got those percentage?
Ok...easy...take a breath...and just dial idol...
so people...arch angel, all angel in this world please pray for archie to win this competition..he's the only one who has the similiar personality n voice like u(angel)...every man kind in this world please pray for archie..he deserve to get that crown..
NB : nyampe ato kaga itu mah urusan nanti pokoke pray aja dulu,kita berusaha dulu nanti biar ALLAH yang nentuin..AMIN
Selasa, 20 Mei 2008
power vote for archie
Here's what you do:
1. Download gizmo if you haven't already.
***BTW- if you already have gizmo, step 2 might not make sense because you might not have the idol version. if this is the case, go to 'contacts' option up top. click on 'add contacts'. type in 'voting'. now go back to the 'contacts' tab and proceed to step 2!
2. VOTE BY CHAT- If you go to the 'contacts' tab, you should see "VOTING". If you have gizmo linked to your AIM contact list, you'll have to scroll all the way to the bottom to find it. Once you find it, click once. You should then see a green quote bubble. Click on that. A box should open up similar to a regular instant message box. Press 1 and then enter. It should say "We're sorry voting is closed..." right now since it's not voting time now. On Tuesday night, you will actually get options: (e.g.) 1- David Cook, 2- david archuleta..It'll be in performance order. You'll press 2 in this case (of course!) and then it'll send you a message confirming that it will be putting in 25 votes for you. (If you try it right now, you won't see the voting options when you ask to vote, because it is not voting time.. It'll tell you that it's not time to vote. I would still recommend going through the steps so you know what to expect tomorrow.)
3. Once you've voted, it'll take about 10-13 minutes for gizmo to place the votes for you.. Then it'll send you an email to whichever email address you reported to gizmo to let you know that it's finished placing the 25 votes and you are allowed to vote again. I usually don't check my email, but I try to vote again (by pressing 1-vote) after about 10-13 minutes. If it's not finished with the 25 votes, it'll simply tell you that it's not finished. No harm in trying.
This gizmo chat voting option works during the entire 7 HOURS during the finale week across time zones! It begins to work when the first voting block opens on the East Coast (9pm EST) and ends when the last voting block closes on the West Coast (1am PST).
So this means that East Coast fans can vote from 9pm-4am EST, Central time zone fans can vote from 8pm-3am CST, Mountain time zone fans can vote from 7pm-2am, West Coast fans can vote from 6pm-1am. It's also very nice because you are only pressing 2 buttons (actually 4 if you include the 'enter's) every 10-13 minutes and automatically placing 25 votes (actually more- see below). One more thing- i know regular phone lines open about 10 minutes early. Gizmo Chat does NOT, so don't be alarmed if it takes awhile to work.
MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, you can set up multiple accounts on one computer! Go to 'edit', 'set up secondary account'. It'll say "To set up gizmo5 to login to your office..." Just press 'yes'. It'll get you back to the login screen. Go to 'register a new account name'. You can use the same email address and password, but you need to create a new 'account name'. Make sure you check off the box that says "I have read the user agreement." You'll have to re-add the voting option. Go to 'contacts' up top. Go to 'add contact'. Type in gizmo5id: 'voting'. You can set up 10 accounts!!!!!!!!!!!!! During your actual voting hours, you may want to only use ONE gizmo chat account in addition to your normal voting methods (gophone, dialidol, regular phone...) simply because we are not 100% these votes will count (maybe 90% sure). During the hours before and/or after your actual voting hours, use the 10 accounts you've created. Vote with one account, put in your votes, log off. Select the next account, put in your votes, log off. Select the next account, put in your votes, log off.. You get the idea! Do this until you've finished all 10 accounts! You'll still have about 9 minutes left before the next cycle ;)
power vote for archie
Here's what you do:
1. Download gizmo if you haven't already.
***BTW- if you already have gizmo, step 2 might not make sense because you might not have the idol version. if this is the case, go to 'contacts' option up top. click on 'add contacts'. type in 'voting'. now go back to the 'contacts' tab and proceed to step 2!
2. VOTE BY CHAT- If you go to the 'contacts' tab, you should see "VOTING". If you have gizmo linked to your AIM contact list, you'll have to scroll all the way to the bottom to find it. Once you find it, click once. You should then see a green quote bubble. Click on that. A box should open up similar to a regular instant message box. Press 1 and then enter. It should say "We're sorry voting is closed..." right now since it's not voting time now. On Tuesday night, you will actually get options: (e.g.) 1- David Cook, 2- david archuleta..It'll be in performance order. You'll press 2 in this case (of course!) and then it'll send you a message confirming that it will be putting in 25 votes for you. (If you try it right now, you won't see the voting options when you ask to vote, because it is not voting time.. It'll tell you that it's not time to vote. I would still recommend going through the steps so you know what to expect tomorrow.)
3. Once you've voted, it'll take about 10-13 minutes for gizmo to place the votes for you.. Then it'll send you an email to whichever email address you reported to gizmo to let you know that it's finished placing the 25 votes and you are allowed to vote again. I usually don't check my email, but I try to vote again (by pressing 1-vote) after about 10-13 minutes. If it's not finished with the 25 votes, it'll simply tell you that it's not finished. No harm in trying.
This gizmo chat voting option works during the entire 7 HOURS during the finale week across time zones! It begins to work when the first voting block opens on the East Coast (9pm EST) and ends when the last voting block closes on the West Coast (1am PST).
So this means that East Coast fans can vote from 9pm-4am EST, Central time zone fans can vote from 8pm-3am CST, Mountain time zone fans can vote from 7pm-2am, West Coast fans can vote from 6pm-1am. It's also very nice because you are only pressing 2 buttons (actually 4 if you include the 'enter's) every 10-13 minutes and automatically placing 25 votes (actually more- see below). One more thing- i know regular phone lines open about 10 minutes early. Gizmo Chat does NOT, so don't be alarmed if it takes awhile to work.
MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, you can set up multiple accounts on one computer! Go to 'edit', 'set up secondary account'. It'll say "To set up gizmo5 to login to your office..." Just press 'yes'. It'll get you back to the login screen. Go to 'register a new account name'. You can use the same email address and password, but you need to create a new 'account name'. Make sure you check off the box that says "I have read the user agreement." You'll have to re-add the voting option. Go to 'contacts' up top. Go to 'add contact'. Type in gizmo5id: 'voting'. You can set up 10 accounts!!!!!!!!!!!!! During your actual voting hours, you may want to only use ONE gizmo chat account in addition to your normal voting methods (gophone, dialidol, regular phone...) simply because we are not 100% these votes will count (maybe 90% sure). During the hours before and/or after your actual voting hours, use the 10 accounts you've created. Vote with one account, put in your votes, log off. Select the next account, put in your votes, log off. Select the next account, put in your votes, log off.. You get the idea! Do this until you've finished all 10 accounts! You'll still have about 9 minutes left before the next cycle ;)
please vote for david archuleta
"This is it. we're one step away from the title, and we're giving it to archie no matter what. 4 hours of voting await us this tuesday, and although the thought of that tires us already, may the magical moment of archie winning the ai crown overpower it.
I cannot encourage you more than asking you to imagine that moment: archie + tears + confetti + standing ovation. it already overwhelms me just thinking about it, so much that i will make sure i vote for the entire 4 hours (7 hours, pm me). i hope that moment inspires you even more to beat whatever record number of votes you have had before.
This may be the closest final 2 ever, and we shouldn't be intimidated by what other fanbases and other prediction sites or bloggers say. The season started with us believing archie, and the season will end with us believing in him even more. We can do this, angels. I know we can!
This is it, the final push that archie needs. we're not turning back now, not after a whole season of backing our boy, we aren't! we sent him to the final 2, and we'll make sure he's going to win it all the way!"
after read it i hope u got goosebumps just like me and it will more encourage you to vote more harder n harder than's some tips for arch angel outside usa who wants to vote 4him this tuesday..
1st step u should do is download gizmo at or just looking4 it at google.
Remember, this is best used as a supplement voting tool, in addition to landline and texts. Request a friends, cousin or parent to do the gizmo voting while you do the text voting. Be sure to teach him/her ahead of time how to vote regularly, and how to vote using the 25votes trick.
to avoid from another contestant fans(of course cook), to get the trick to cast 25vote please email lilian ku at or (untuk indonesia email saja saya di
WHEN to vote?
This gizmo chat voting option works during the entire 7 HOURS during the finale week across time zones! It begins to work when the first voting block opens on the East Coast (9pm EST) and ends when the last voting block closes on the West Coast (1am PST).
So this means that East Coast fans can vote from 9pm-4am EST, Central time zone fans can vote from 8pm-3am CST, Mountain time zone fans can vote from 7pm-2am, West Coast fans can vote from 6pm-1am.(untuk indonesia kemungkinan waktu vote sekitar pukul 9-12 siang hari rabu besok..minggu lalu saya masih bisa vote pukul 10.30 wib tapi karena ini grand final, vote akan dimulai lebih lambat dan akan dibuka lebih lama sekitar 4jam..mungkin dari pukul 9-2 selalu ada waktu untuk vote..kalo kalian baru baca tulisan ini dan ingin dapat tricknya email saja saya..insya Allah saya balas as soon as possible.. and once again for archie fans only...kalo kalian pake untuk vote cook gw sumpahin mandul(he he)pokoknya jangan vote cook deh..silahkan vote cook tapi jangan pake cara/trik ini karena yang nemuin arch angel.jangan suka membajak karya orang yaa)..
saya juga menuliskan trick khusus untuk kontak if u wanna see the trick "be my contact"(and once again for arch angel only)
for anyone who knew another trick to vote without gizmo please tell me..please
and buat tmen temen yang tau the exactly time to vote..kasih tau juga yaa..terima kasih..mohon maaf kalo ada yang tersinggung..
live blog during american idol n result show:
2. go to and go to chatboxes page
4more information, go to this page:
Senin, 19 Mei 2008
david archuleta photos
Rabu, 16 Januari 2008
Tuhan Sembilan Senti
Si Mr.x yang merasa terancam melihat pakde saya(walo pensiunan tapi badannya masih kekar lo)langung menciut..Mboten pak(tidak pak)saya gak marah kok..maaf ya pak.
Pakde saya yang dada nya udah naek turun(maklum orangnya juga sakit jantung)akhirnya ngomong"yo wes"(lanjutannya lupa).
Akhirnya perjalanan berjalan dengan lancar,tertib,agak tegang dan TIDAK ADA ASAP ROKOK.
Pakde saya mungkin satu diantara sedikit orang yang bisa berbicara secara lugas kepada para perokok yang tidak bertanggungjawab.Saya sendiri selama hampir 3 tahun ini berkecimpung di dunia per-angkotan(karena setiap hari kalo mau ke kampus harus naek angkot 2 kali)tidak pernah mau dan berani ngomong seperti itu dihadapan para perokok yang tidak bertanggungjawab.Memang seh gak semua perokok tidak bertanggungjawab..Ada kalanya kalo saya duduk disamping orang yang merokok mereka langsung menurunkan rokoknya kebawah kaki,jarang2 menghisapnya dan kalo ngeluarin asapnya sambil nunduk agar orang lain tidak kena asapnya secara langsung.Tapi itu one in million.Kebanyakan sante aja,malah kalo rokoknya abis,nyalain lagi satu.Belum lagi kalo ngeluarin asapnya sambil diarahin ke depan muka kita.Mo marah gimana yang ngrokok orangnya sangar,kumisnya tebal plus tatoan.bisa bisa kena hajar.
Tapi mo gimana lagi.sepertinya rokok adalah hal yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dalam kehidupan kita.Acara acara saya yang nyeponsori juga rokok,universitas tetangga saya fasilitas-fasilitasnya dari rokok juga,belum lagi malang terkenal dengan pabrik rokoknya(yang kalo diitung itung dari rumah ke kampus saya nglewati 4pabrik rokok).Sekarang aja didepan saya ada puntung rokok dan sedang bernafas asap rokok..
Walopun puisi ini sudah berjuta kali nampang di web-web ato blog-blog,di multiply pun sudah milyaran di upload(kelihatan di seach enginenya).Tapi saya teteeep ingin mengupload puisi ini di mp saya.yah setidaknya sebagai ungkapan saya atas pelecehan yang saya alami selama ini(lebayyy).becanda.Buat mas mas ato mbak mbak perokok yang baca tulisan ini jangan marah yaa,saya yakin pasti anda anda adalah perokok yang bertanggungjawab.
Tuhan Sembilan Senti
Oleh Taufiq IsmailIndonesia adalah sorga luar biasa ramah bagi perokok,
tapi tempat siksa tak tertahankan bagi orang yang tak merokok,Di sawah petani merokok,
di pabrik pekerja merokok,
di kantor pegawai merokok,
di kabinet menteri merokok,
di reses parlemen anggota DPR merokok,
di Mahkamah Agung yang bergaun toga merokok,
hansip-bintara-perwira nongkrong merokok,
di perkebunan pemetik buah kopi merokok,
di perahu nelayan penjaring ikan merokok,
di pabrik petasan pemilik modalnya merokok,
di pekuburan sebelum masuk kubur orang merokok,Indonesia adalah semacam firdaus-jannatu-na’im
sangat ramah bagi perokok,
tapi tempat siksa kubur hidup-hidup bagi orang yang tak merokok,Di balik pagar SMU murid-murid mencuri-curi merokok,
di ruang kepala sekolah ada guru merokok,
di kampus mahasiswa merokok,
di ruang kuliah dosen merokok,
di rapat POMG orang tua murid merokok,
di perpustakaan kecamatan ada siswa bertanya
apakah ada buku tuntunan cara merokok,Di angkot Kijang penumpang merokok,
di bis kota sumpek yang berdiri yang duduk
orang bertanding merokok,
di loket penjualan karcis orang merokok,
di kereta api penuh sesak orang festival merokok,
di kapal penyeberangan antar pulau penumpang merokok,
di andong Yogya kusirnya merokok,
sampai kabarnya kuda andong minta diajari pula merokok,Negeri kita ini sungguh nirwana
kayangan para dewa-dewa bagi perokok,
tapi tempat cobaan sangat berat
bagi orang yang tak merokok,Rokok telah menjadi dewa, berhala, tuhan baru,
diam-diam menguasai kita,Di pasar orang merokok,
di warung Tegal pengunjung merokok,
di restoran di toko buku orang merokok,
di kafe di diskotik para pengunjung merokok,Bercakap-cakap kita jarak setengah meter
tak tertahankan asap rokok,
bayangkan isteri-isteri yang bertahun-tahun
menderita di kamar tidur
ketika melayani para suami yang bau mulut
dan hidungnya mirip asbak rokok,Duduk kita di tepi tempat tidur ketika dua orang bergumul
saling menularkan HIV-AIDS sesamanya,
tapi kita tidak ketularan penyakitnya.
Duduk kita disebelah orang yang dengan cueknya
mengepulkan asap rokok di kantor atau di stopan bus,
kita ketularan penyakitnya.
Nikotin lebih jahat penularannya
ketimbang HIV-AIDS,Indonesia adalah sorga kultur pengembangbiakan nikotin paling subur di dunia,
dan kita yang tak langsung menghirup sekali pun asap tembakau itu,
Bisa ketularan kena,Di puskesmas pedesaan orang kampung merokok,
di apotik yang antri obat merokok,
di panti pijat tamu-tamu disilahkan merokok,
di ruang tunggu dokter pasien merokok,
dan ada juga dokter-dokter merokok,Istirahat main tenis orang merokok,
di pinggir lapangan voli orang merokok,
menyandang raket badminton orang merokok,
pemain bola PSSI sembunyi-sembunyi merokok,
panitia pertandingan balap mobil,
pertandingan bulutangkis,
turnamen sepakbola
mengemis-ngemis mencium kaki sponsor perusahaan rokok,Di kamar kecil 12 meter kubik,
sambil ‘ek-’ek orang goblok merokok,
di dalam lift gedung 15 tingkat
dengan tak acuh orang goblok merokok,
di ruang sidang ber-AC penuh,
dengan cueknya,
pakai dasi,
orang-orang goblok merokok,Indonesia adalah semacam firdaus-jannatu-na’im
sangat ramah bagi orang perokok,
tapi tempat siksa kubur hidup-hidup
bagi orang yang tak merokok,Rokok telah menjadi dewa, berhala, tuhan baru,
diam-diam menguasai kita,Di sebuah ruang sidang ber-AC penuh,
duduk sejumlah ulama terhormat merujuk
kitab kuning dan mempersiapkan sejumlah fatwa.
Mereka ulama ahli hisap.
Haasaba, yuhaasibu, hisaaban.
Bukan ahli hisab ilmu falak,
tapi ahli hisap rokok.
Di antara jari telunjuk dan jari tengah mereka
terselip berhala-berhala kecil,
sembilan senti panjangnya,
putih warnanya,
ke mana-mana dibawa dengan setia,
satu kantong dengan kalung tasbih 99 butirnya,Mengintip kita dari balik jendela ruang sidang,
tampak kebanyakan mereka
memegang rokok dengan tangan kanan,
cuma sedikit yang memegang dengan tangan kiri.
Inikah gerangan pertanda
yang terbanyak kelompok ashabul yamiin
dan yang sedikit golongan ashabus syimaal?Asap rokok mereka mengepul-ngepul di ruangan AC penuh itu.
Mamnu’ut tadkhiin, ya ustadz.
Laa tasyrabud dukhaan, ya ustadz.
Kyai, ini ruangan ber-AC penuh.
Haadzihi al ghurfati malii’atun bi mukayyafi al hawwa’i.
Kalau tak tahan,
Di luar itu sajalah merokok.
Laa taqtuluu anfusakum.Min fadhlik, ya ustadz.
25 penyakit ada dalam khamr.
Khamr diharamkan.
15 penyakit ada dalam daging khinzir (babi).
Daging khinzir diharamkan.
4000 zat kimia beracun ada pada sebatang rokok.
Patutnya rokok diapakan?Tak perlu dijawab sekarang, ya ustadz.
Wa yuharrimu ‘alayhimul khabaaith.
Mohon ini direnungkan tenang-tenang,
karena pada zaman Rasulullah dahulu,
sudah ada alkohol,
sudah ada babi,
tapi belum ada rokok.Jadi ini PR untuk para ulama.
Tapi jangan karena ustadz ketagihan rokok,
Lantas hukumnya jadi dimakruh-makruhkan,
jangan,Para ulama ahli hisap itu terkejut mendengar perbandingan ini.
Banyak yang diam-diam membunuh tuhan-tuhan kecil yang kepalanya berapi itu,
yaitu ujung rokok mereka.
Kini mereka berfikir.
Biarkan mereka berfikir.
Asap rokok di ruangan ber-AC itu makin pengap,
dan ada yang mulai terbatuk-batuk,Pada saat sajak ini dibacakan malam hari ini,
sejak tadi pagi sudah 120 orang di Indonesia mati karena penyakit rokok.
Korban penyakit rokok
lebih dahsyat ketimbang korban kecelakaan lalu lintas,
lebih gawat ketimbang bencana banjir,
gempa bumi dan longsor,
cuma setingkat di bawah korban narkoba,Pada saat sajak ini dibacakan,
berhala-berhala kecil itu sangat berkuasa di negara kita,
jutaan jumlahnya,
bersembunyi di dalam kantong baju dan celana,
dibungkus dalam kertas berwarni dan berwarna,
diiklankan dengan indah dan cerdasnya,Tidak perlu wudhu atau tayammum menyucikan diri,
tidak perlu ruku’ dan sujud untuk taqarrub pada tuhan-tuhan ini,
karena orang akan khusyuk dan fana
dalam nikmat lewat upacara menyalakan api
dan sesajen asap tuhan-tuhan ini,Rabbana,
beri kami kekuatan menghadapi berhala-berhala ini