- Waiting for Yesterday
- The Riddle
- Zero Gravity
- Crush
- Fields of Gold
- Prayer of The Children
- Melodies of Christmas
- Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
- Ave Maria
- Pat-a-pan
- What Child is This
- The First Noel
- Riu Riu Chiu
- Silent Night
- O Holy Night
Kamis, 26 November 2009
david archuleta christmas tour day 2 at salt lake city
Rabu, 25 November 2009
The Very First Christmas Tour at Salt Lake City
Senin, 23 November 2009
A2 Symphony Orchestra & Radio Disney for David Archuleta orchestra concert
A2SO hopes to broaden audience with David Archuleta Christmas concert on Friday
The Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra will team up with “American Idol” singer David Archuleta on Friday night for a concert titled “Christmas From the Heart” at Hill Auditorium.
The concert is in support of Archuleta’snew, Yule-themed CD of the same name. Tickets went on sale at the end of October, and more than one-third of Hill’s available 3,500 seats sold out in the first week, attracting fans from as far away as San Francisco.
The concert, an addition to the symphony’s regular season, is a bit unusual since the performing arts have been among those especially hard-hit by the economy.
“Where other orchestras are cutting concerts to balance budgets, we’re adding a concert,” said Dave Siefkes, the A2SO marketing director. “Symphonies around the country are all trying different things, they are more willing to look beyond the traditional. … The thing that drove it for me was trying to get a broader audience.”
In addition to Christmas songs, Archuleta’s program will include his hit, “Crush,” as well as “Zero Gravity” and a few other non-holiday tunes. The symphony will offer “Sleigh Ride” and a selection from the “Nutcracker,” Siefkes added, “but mostly it’s David.”
The symphony is partnering with Radio Disney for the show, a first for both organizations that could include two more concerts in future years, said Siefkes. The score for the Ann Arbor performance was done by Disney especially for the show.
“They had some small scores for his Christmas album, but nothing like this,” Siefkes added. “It was a learning process for them. They basically orchestrated everything for us. It has never been performed before.”
Siefkes said work on the Archuleta concert started last January with a sales call. “Radio Disney called on me trying to sell me some advertising. I had a great talk with their rep. It turned into me saying ‘You know, the symphony should do a concert with Disney.’ One of my ideas was we could perform the music live to ‘Fantasia.’”
Disney’s Detroit general manager came to Ann Arbor, heard the symphony perform, and was sold.
“They came out and saw the quality of the product,” Siefkes explained. The only thing that remained was to decide what to do. A brainstorming session followed.
“I’m a big ‘American Idol’ fan,” Siefkes admitted. David Archuleta was one name I threw out. They brought up other names, like Taylor Swift. I brought up Miley Cyrus. Miley was very expensive, Taylor was even more expensive.”
Although younger people know who Archuleta is, at least one member of the symphony found his generation gap showing.
“When we first told (conductor Arie Lipsky) that we were considering a show with David Archuleta, Arie said ‘Who’s he?’ (Then) all of his sudden his daughter is screaming in the background. And dad’s a rock star now. He’s conducting David Archuleta,” Siefkes said.
Although Siefkes wouldn’t say how much the A2SO had to pay for Archuleta, “this is the most we’re paying for a soloist ever … (but) I think we’ll sell it out.”
Siefkes said the concert will help the A2SO conclude the year on a high note.
“A lot of symphonies are down in attendance and subscriptions. We’re actually up, in fact we set a record this year for subscribers.” The previous record, he said, was 733 subscribers. This year, the A2SO has 963.
Ultimately, the show will be good for the symphony for several reasons.
“Money-wise and exposure-wise and reputation-wise, the fact of being able to work with the Disney company is great, the quality is superior and that was important to them, just like it was important to us,” Siefkes added.
He said the musicians are jazzed about the Christmas show.
“From what I’ve heard they are pretty excited. Some were very sad they were going to be out of town for Thanksgiving. Again, if they’ve got kids, they’re going to be the rock stars — and we’re adding services to the season for them, a chance to perform some more and get paid for it.”
Roger LeLievre is a free-lance writer who covers music for AnnArbor.com.
“Christmas from the Heart”
Who: Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra, with vocalist/“American Idol” runner-up David Archuleta.
What: Christmas favorites, plus a few of Archuleta’s pop tunes.
Where: Hill Auditorium, 825 N. University Ave.
When: Friday, 8 p.m.
How much: Tickets start at $23 from the A2SO office and range to $76 for the VIP section with the facility fee included. Tickets purchased online, or by phone have an additional $10 service fee per ticket.
Details: A2SO web site; by phone at 734-994-4801 or in person at the A2SO office, 220 East Huron Street Suite 470 (Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.).
source : http://www.annarbor.com/entertainment/david-archuleta-concert/
sumfah baru tau...hahahaha..
here the song list for the concert :
1 Traditional: Angels we have heard on high
2 Anonymous: Ave Maria
3 Pat-a-Pan
4 Traditional: Joy to the World
5 Martin: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
6 Flecha: Riu, Riu, Chiu
7 Melodies of Christmas
8 Traditional: Silent Night
9 Crush
10 The Riddle
11 When you say you love me
12 Waiting for yesterday
13 Works for me
n u can check david interview with ann arbor here. he talked about cereal , writing session,xmas album and xmas concert..
Kamis, 19 November 2009
Allison Iraheta - Friday I'll be Over You Official Music Video
Selasa, 17 November 2009
Archuleta and Mcphee at Kaleidoscope
whoaaaaa my 2 favorite idolll...david archuleta and katharine mcphee..unfortunately theyre not duet..hehehe..thanks to justjaredjr..go here http://justjaredjr.buzznet.com/2009/11/17/david-archuleta-is-a-kaleidoscope-kid/ for more
Pat-a-pan first live performance
at kaleidoscope event in washington D C. the show would be aired at thanksgiving day..(duh lupa thanksgiving tuh tanggal berapa ya..hahahaaha)
ups almost forget...thank you so much elena for the video..go here http://www.youtube.com/user/daai08 to get more david performance at kaleidoscope..thank youuu
Guillô, prends ton tambourin,
Toi, prends ta flûte, Robin
Au son de ces instruments
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
Au son de ces instruments
Je dirai Noël, gaiement.
Willie, bring your little drum.
Robin, get your fife, and come,
And be merry while you play.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
We will listen as you play
For the joy for Christmas day.
When the men of olden days
Gave the King of Kings their praise
They had pipes on which to play.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
They had drums on which to play.
For the joy of Christmas day.
God and man became today,
More in tune than fife and drum,
So be merry while you play.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
Come be merry while you play
On this joyous Christmas day.
While the angels wing
To the newborn King,
I will sing for the blessed Babe
On this joyous Christmas day.
God and man became today,
More in tune than fife and drum,
So be merry while you play.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan
Come be merry while you play
On this joyous Christmas day.
While the angels wing
To the newborn King,
I will sing for the blessed Babe
On this joyous Christmas day.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu-ra-le. Come and hear them patapan.
Bring your little drum.
Robin, get your fife and come.
Tu-re-lu-re-lu-ra-le. Come and hear them patapan.
Men of olden days
Gave the King of Kings their praise.
On this joyous Christmas.
Bring your little drum.
Robin, get your fife and come.
Come be merry.
Men of olden days
Gave the King of Kings their praise.
On this joyous Christmas.
Bring your little drum.
Robin, get your fife and come.
Come be merry.
Men of olden days
Gave the King of Kings their praise.
On this joyous Christmas
2012 vs MUI "malang"kah ?
MUI kota malang pun tidak akan mengeluarkan fatwa haram pada pemutaran film ini.Jika ada fatwa haram dari tempat lain, menurut Nidzhom, itu karena ada rasa kebencian dari pemanfaatan teknologi canggih saja."Yang melarang itu mungkin karena ada sedikit ketakutan saja terhadap pemanfaatan teknologi untuk dakwah. Kami malah mendorong adanya visualisasi dari berbagai kisah dan tafsir dalam kitab suci,sebab pembelajaran secara visual akan lebih mudah diserap daripada dalam bentuk teks buku atau cerita saja"(Malang pos 17 november 09)
Sedangkan menurut ketua dewan penasihat Majelis Ulama Indonesia Jatim KH. Muamal Hamidi menurutnya film 2012 memiliki dampak positif dan negatif .Positifnya orang akan merasa takut akan datangnya hari kiamat, dan mereka akan berusaha berbuat baik setelah nonton film itu. Negatifnya selain bertentangan dengan syariat juga akan merusah aqidah uamt islam. Sebab sudah menjadi keyakinan umat islam bahwa kiamat memang akan datang, tapi kapan datangnya tak ada satupun makhluk yang tahu.(koran surya 17 nov 09)
Beda jatim beda pula MUI pusat..Ketua MUI Indonesia H Amidhan mengatakan secara pribadi beliau tak mempermasalahkan beredarnya film tersebut. Namun harus ditekankan bahwa film itu hanya fiksi bukan kejadian sebenarnya. “ini fiksi” katanya.(Koran duta masyarakat 17 nov 09)
Fuihhh heboh kan...banyak yang ngasih pendapat..lalu gimana dengan nasib film 2012 di Indonesia dengan segala kehebohan dan fatwa tersebut..akan "malang"kah nasibnya? hehehe..NO.. absolutely not..
Film 2012 diputar di 7 bioskop di Surabaya. Di surabaya 2012 diputar 54 kali setiap hari. Dengan asumsi tiap pemutaran 200 kursi maka setiap hari terdapat 10000 penonton."Ini rekor yang belum pernah terjadi pada film manapun" kata staf Indo Ika distributor film di Surabaya.Film laris seperti laskar pelangi / ayat2 cinta tdk seheboh itu..Di malang pun juga tidak kalah heboh.Di malang 2012 diputar di 2 bioskop yaitu malang town square dan dieng 21.Di matos sendiri 2012 diputar 8 kali setiap harinya. Tiketnya pun habis hanya dalam durasi 1 jam. Antriannya bahkan mencapai 30 meter.(koran surya 17 nov 09)
Sebagai orang malang gw jadi aneh sendiri...mo pilih dalil yang mana neh..banyak amat..hahahaaha..masa gagal nonton 2012..padahal dari kmaren2 udah donlod semua trailer2nya..sneak peek..dah ke official websitenya..maen gamenya..donlod ostnya(lgunya adam lambert doank..hahaha)..trus gak jadi gtu...
but wait a minute...kan yang ngelarang MUI kabupaten malang doank kan..jadi kalo nonton diluar kabupaten malang gak dosa donk...huahahahahaa...(kalo pake asumsi begini tuh fatwa bakalan gak berfungsi sama sekali..gimana nggak,lha wong di kabupaten malang gak ada bioskop 21....huahahahaahahahahahaha)
aaah paling2 akhirnya juga nonton versi bajakan nyomot di warnet..soalnya temen2 pada sibuk semua..gada yang mau diajak..pada sibuk nyari kerja..hmmm...gf jauh,jg lg sbuk ma kul..wes wes..nasib..hahahahha
Beyonce Feat. Lady GaGa - Video Phone Official Music Video
lumayan lah..hehehe...wah beyonce udah berani pake baju wonder woman..emang dia dah dapat peran di the next wonder woman movie ya? ketinggalan neh ana..hehehehe
Sabtu, 14 November 2009
David Archuleta Vocal Range (C3-C6)
dang it..seems like I post non-archu news too much this week...now its time to fix my daily dose of ODD..hahaha..
this is a long collection of david live performance that show off his vocal range..
thank you so much to shikainaburningice for the hard work she put to make this video...what an effort..hehehe
david is still young so I think that his voice would change in the future..his low register would be more shaping n mature..the girl would loves that..hahahaha
check the last part of the video when he whistling..wow..i dont know that he can whistle that high..its not like mariah's whistle voice..it just whistle..real whistle..but its still so dang awesome..hehhehe
Chris Brown - Crawl Official Music Video
and here come the EX...hehehe..
actually this mv is came first and then suddenly russian roulette appear...
maybe they want to fight not just in the real world but in the music world too..hahha
n who u think will win or got beaten this time?hahaha..i have no idea
coz this song is aweeeesooome tooo...
what a redemption song i think..second chance..starting over..
from the very base point..crawl..walk..run..jump..and fly....beautiful song..
and im impressed with the way he dance even in the slow song like this..
good job chris..although i still hate u for what uve done to ri..hahaha..
[Verse 1]
Everybody see's it's you
I'm the one that lost the view
Everybody says we're through
I hope you haven't said it too
So where
Do we go from here
With all this fear in our eyes
And where
Can love take us now
We've been so far down
We can still touch the sky
If we crawl
Till we can walk again
Then we'll run
Until we're strong enough to jump
Then we'll fly
Until there is no wind
So lets crawl, crawl, crawl
Back to love, Yeah
Back to love, Yeah
[Verse 2]
Why did I change the pace
Hearts were never meant to race
I always felt the need for space
But now I can't reach your face
So where
Are you standing now
Are you in the crowd of my vouch
Love, can you see my hand?
I need one more chance
We can still have it all
If we crawl(if we crawl)
Till we can walk again
Then we'll run (then we'll run)
Until we're strong enough to jump
Then we'll fly
Until there is no wind
So lets crawl, crawl, crawl
Back to love, Yeah
Back to love, yeaaah
Everybody see's it's you
Well I never wanna lose that view
So we'll crawl (if we crawl)
Till we can walk again
Then we'll run
Until we're strong enough to jump
Then we'll fly
Until there is no wind
So lets crawl, crawl, crawl
So we'll crawl (ooh)
Till we can walk again (till we can walk again)
Then we'll run (we'll run)
Until we're strong enough to jump (until we're strong enough to jump)
Then we'll fly (then we'll fly)
Until there is no wind
So let's crawl, let's crawl, lets crawl
Back to love
Back to love yeah
Back to love
Rihanna - Russian Roulette Official Music Video
THis song is aweeeesoooomeee....
it soooo simple but it deep at the same time..and the way rihanna interprated the song with the way she sang it just made it deeper..
and until now i still dont understand where i got the deep feeling about this song..it just a song about someone playing russian roulette..heheehehe
oh n the mv is awesome too...she's a fashion icon..stunning..hehehe
Rihanna - ‘Russian Roulette’ Lyrics
Take a breath, take it deep
Calm yourself, he says to me
If you play, you play for keeps
Take a gun, and count to three
I’m sweating now, moving slow
No time to think, my turn to go
[Chorus -- JustJared.com]
And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
Know that I must must pass this test
So just pull the trigger
Say a prayer to yourself
He says close your eyes
Sometimes it helps
And then I get a scary thought
That he’s here means he’s never lost
As my life flashes before my eyes
I’m wondering will I ever see another sunrise?
So many won’t get the chance to say goodbye
But it’s too late too pick up the value of my life
Selasa, 10 November 2009
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance Music Video Premiere
the most phenomenal singer ..hahahaha
Want your bad romance
Want your bad romance
I want your ugly
I want your disease
I want your everything
As long as it's free
I want your love
I want your love
I want your drummer
The touch of your healing
I want you leather dirty kiss in the scene
And I want your love
I want your love
I want your love
You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
Bad and bad
I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Want your bad romance
Want your bad romance
I want your horror
I want your design
'Cause you're a criminal
As long as your mine
I want your love
I want your love
I want your psycho
You're burning this stick
Want you in my room
When your baby is sick
I want your love
I want your love
I want your love
You know that I want you
And you know that I need you
I want it bad
Bad and bad
I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me put on a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me put on a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Want your bad romance
Want your bad romance
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
Work the bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
Work the bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
Work the bitch crazy
Work-work fashion baby
Work it
Work the bitch crazy
I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don't wanna be friends
Said I want your love
And I want your revenge
I want your love
I don't wanna be friends
Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
I want your loving
And I want your revenge
You and me put on a bad romance
I want your loving
All your love is revenge
You and me could write a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Want your bad romance
Sabtu, 07 November 2009
The Dryest day of my life
Jumat, 06 November 2009
Kris Allen - Live Like We're Dying Musiv Video Premiere
Selasa, 03 November 2009
Senin, 02 November 2009
vote for david archuleta at celebs gone good
We all know that david deserves this more than any artist, so lets voooooote guys….
go here to cast your vote,enter your email address or your friend’s or ur girlfriend’s or your enemy’s..haha..you dont need to enter the zip code..just give check to david archuleta name..submit..and done..
Last summer tour videos
last tour with demi…tapi jangaaan sedeeeh…winter tour comiiiing soooooon..
sebelum kalian ngebayangin david nyanyi ave maria dengan killer voicenya, liat dulu video performancenya di atlantic city berikut ini…dijamin bedaaaaaaaaaaaa..hhahaha
My Hands – my super favorite song in each show..always love the ending part…
Zero Gravity – twirling twirling david..haha
Somebody out there somebody somewhere..
rambling n rambling again here. this time he talked about halloween
waiting for yesterday ee ee e ee ee e
Works for me .im too good at wasting time..gue bangeet..
Your eyes dont lie i hate this song coz i cant whistle…hahahahahahaha..
and its too late to apologize its too latee…
theres actually some video performance on youtube including the rehearsal one.. buuuuuut for some reason it changed into private..dang..n he/she even called me freaks too…great..lanjutkan..emang saya freak..hahaah
and no crush video again…sabar bu..besok pasti bakal bermunculan pideo2 lain..n saya sekarang ikut2an rambling..hahahha
btw,ada yang ingat sudah berapa kali dan dimana sajakah bang david pake outfit diatas?
hadiah ucapan terima kasih dari saya buat yang tau jawabannya..hahaha..