Sabtu, 27 September 2008


Genre: Kids & Family
Friday,11.01 pm..diupload Saturday 2.12 pm

Quotes from this movie:
DREAM BIG(yg bnr dream big ato big dream toh), HOPE ,FAITH and FRIENDSHIP n 1 thing for sure : IKHLAS
“Kita hidup harus memberi sebanyak banyaknya bukan menerima sebanyak banyaknya”Pak harfan, (not exactly words)

Wuaaahhh…dah malem,baru kelar nonton laskar pelangi langsung pengen review.
Berikut ini adalah kendala kendala penulis yang mengakibatkan review tidak dapat disajikan secara jujur dan akurat (kok kayak nulis skripsi..aarrghh..kepikiran trus..)SATU..datang smua gara - gara banyak anak yang pada mudik imbasnya warung langganan kita banyak yang pada tutup..akhirnya kita nyari warung yang jualanx sesuai dengan selera dan kantong kita, eeeeh dapet dapet antri panjaaang dan laamaaa.. bikin ilfil seribu ilfil..masa pak officernya salah muter roll film seh..jadinya kebalik..alur filmnya jadi error(mungkin petugasnya ngikut ngikut si JONI jadinya roll filmnya datangnya telat)..apalagi buat orang yang belom baca novelnya,,LHO???? *mlongo*..kok gini critanya..kyaknya tadi pak kepala sekolahnya dah meninggal kok jadi idup lagi…perasaan gak ada resurrection stone deh..

Ok lets start the review..
Mengingat menimbang dan menindaklanjuti adanya kesalahan officer dalam memutar roll film,alur film yang ada di otakku masih agak rancu dan sekarang aku malah kena SHORT LOST MEMORY ATTACK. But without all those messed thing all I can say bout this movie is quite complete..gak rugi mang kalo ada riri riza disono,he planned all the stuff to created a good movie..dari casting yang kbnykan asli orang blitung sampe musik yang dikerjain ma keroyokan artis top.Contentnya juga menarik soalnya semua emosi tumplek jadi satu di pilem itu..dari KAGUM melihat kegigihan bu muslimah dan pak harfan(I miss my teacher),kegigihan ikal dan antek anteknya buat sekolah. TERHARU alias nangis,waktu pak harfan meninggal,waktu LINTANG SAID GOODBYE TO HIS FRIENDS(beneran ampir nangis waktu adegan ini sampe sampe biar gak lebay nangisnya kucubitin tanganku sendiri..kan gak asyik masa cowo nangis sesenggukan). sampe uncountable uncontrollable laugh lihat tingkahnya harun yang gak bisa nulis namanya sendiri dengan benar(ahrun),lihat ikal yang rhoma irama wannabe,sampe ulah si mahar yang jiwa seninya sangat hyper bahkan cenderung lebay and pedenya yang minta ampun parah.
Tapi ada beberapa hal yang mungkin tidak dipahami benar oleh orang yang belum baca novelnya kaya aku ini. Sejak awal aku gak tau nama nama karakter di film itu(mungkin gara2 telat datang jadi gak tau ada perkenalannya), ada juga scene waktu lintang yang mengejar sebuah mobil dengan sepedanya tanpa tau alasannya(mungkin juga gara2 salah masang roll yg bkin bingung alur critanya).n kyaknya bakal lebih cool lagi kalo kelanjutan 11 anak itu ditunjukkan ato setidaknya tokoh tokohnya ditemuin di akhir cerita karena diakhir yang muncul cuma ikal and lintang(kan aku pengen liat ahrun eeeh harun pas gedhenya).
And now the answer from the previous question is….toreng toreng toreng… YES… it worth it..sebenernya bukan karena filmnya tok tapi pengalaman yang didapet before n after nonton muvi itu sbgai contoh sebelum berangkat For the very first time I realize kalo aku gak punya sandal yang bagus..hampir aja berangkat pake sandal jepit swallow lagi..untung ada sandal tmen yg mudik jadinya kupake..hehe..slain itu qta berhasil “memperawani” temenku yang theater virgin..waktu kutanya perasaannya pertama kali masuk theater dia jawabnya BINGUNG.apa ini gelap gelap, mo duduk dimana kita,dll hehe..lucu banget…belom lagi gara gara alurnya kacau pilemnya jadi molor akhirnya kita keluar dari matos lewat tangga darurat soalnya mallnya dah tutup..parah..disono kita malah berkhayal kaya’ grup band terkenal yang habis konser.. untuk menyelamatkan dari kejaran para fans jadinya harus lewat tangga darurat..hehe..

Jumat, 26 September 2008

long road to laskar pelangi

Kmaren kita berlima temen satu kontrakan mo berencana nonton laskar pelangi..mengingat kebiasaanku yang suka makan sambil nonton,maka satu satunya kemungkinan untuk nonton adalah setelah buka puasa ato setelah sholat terawih..maklum gengku adalah kumpulan sholeh yg anak2nya suka pake baju koko n kepalanya pada coklat..(except me absolutely)..hihi....karena takut mengganggu kekhusyukan tmn2 yg ibadah akhirnya aku mengajukan diri untuk yg ngantri tiket..walo gak ikut sholat gmana lgi pilemnya maen jam 8..
Finally abis sholat maghrib and buka puasa (mkn sayur tewel(nangka muda)pake lauk telor bumbu bali sama tempe..nyaamm) dengan pedenya aku ma tmnq pergi ke malang town square buat beli tiket hanya dengan pake sandal jepit swallow n baju kucel bau..long road bener tuh..Dari warung tmpt aku buka smp matos butuh wkt 15-20mnt by walk...Dijalan, kta sambil cerita cerita pengalaman lucu nonton..ada tmnx tmenku yang nonton sama keluarganya sambil bwa bekal rantang isinya menjes goreng(ampas tahu)..GILE, rantang dibawa ke 21..da lagi tmenku yang nonton sambil ditemenin ma tikus..hii..ternyata dibioskop tsb byk tikus berkeliaran..jijay...Trus ada juga temenku satu kontrakan yang mo nonton, da satu anak yang belum pernah nonton ke bioskop sama sekali..bener2 masih theater virgin deh...lucu beneer..padhal dah semester 7..untouchable..u wont believe that..
 Waktu nyampe di matos langsung kliatan kita yang paling mencolok..gimana nggak,,lha wong sandal jepit swallow kita adalah satu satunya, blom lagi wajah kita yang super kucel abis kuliah,sholat,makan langsung ke matos.hoho..but we dont care..
Dengan super pede kita jalan truuus sampe akhinya berhenti didepan theater mata kita tertuju pada satu lembar kertas yang ditempelin di kaca yang bertuliskan..TIKET FILM LASKAR PELANGI UNTUK HARI INI HABIS...wooooooot...
 THE NEXT actually...kita masih sangat bergairah untuk nonton laskar pelangi walopun gak ada satupun diantara kita yang perrnah baca novelnya..aneh kan..
LAGI LAGI aku ditugasin beli tiket..karena takut kehabisan tiket akhirnya aku berangkat dari kontrakan jam 10 pagi kurang berapa gitu..jalan dengan tergesa gesa kaya dikejar setan biar cepet nyampe ke matos..SAMPE DI MATOS..another shocking image happened in front of my eyes..GILE, ANTRIANNYA PANJANG BANGET..gak sepanjang eiffel im in love,harpot ato apa artinya cinta seh  tapi lumayan juga secara hari itu hari jumat...gimana kalo gak kesampaian jumatan..
akhirnya dengan hati ikhlas aku menunggu dan menunggu sampe jam 11..pintu dibuka..weeer weer weer..belasan anak langsung lari menyerbu loket..hilang deh antriannya..dasar orang indonesia..desak desakan lagi...orang indonesia  tu mang suka ndusel..hangat kale yaa..and now the fighting begin..dengan semangat pantang menyerah si alfi menerobos rintangan rintangan yang menghadang..berkelit dari kejaran pak satpam,ampir kelahi ma slah satu cwo yg ngantri..dimarahin n diteriakin cewek2,d.el el..finally i can see wajah mbak penjual tiketnya yang manis "langsung ku teriakkan".."mbak 8 tiket untuk jam 8 malem film laskar pelangi"(takutnya dikasih tiket pilem sundelbolong kan g lucu)..
akhirnya dapet juga ni tiket,,kita dapet di row K seat 10-17..gak papa deh nonton kepala agak naek dikit daripada gak nonton..

Kamis, 25 September 2008


taken from

Clay Aiken: I'm a Gay Dad

Originally posted Wednesday September 24, 2008 07:00 AM EDT

Photo by: Michael Lavine
Clay Aiken: I'm a Gay Dad | Clay Aiken

Following the Aug. 8 birth of his son Parker, singer Clay Aiken is following through on a promise he made to himself as a new dad: to publicly acknowledge that he's gay. 

"It was the first decision I made as a father," Aiken, 29, tells the upcoming issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday. "I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things. I wasn't raised that way, and I'm not going to raise a child to do that." 

Aiken says he expects the news may overwhelm some of his fans. "Whether it be having a child out of wedlock, or whether it be simply being a homosexual, it's going to be a lot," said Aiken, who returned to Broadway last week as Sir Robin inMonty Python's Spamalot

He adds that he hopes his fans "know that I've never intended to lie to anybody at all. ... But if they leave, I don't want them to leave hating me." 

How He Came Out to His Family

The born-again Christian singer also reveals how he told his mother Faye he's gay four years ago. After dropping off his younger brother Brett, who was being deployed to Iraq, at Camp Lejeune, "I started crying in the car," Aiken remembers. "It was dark. I was sitting there, thinking to myself. I don't know why I started thinking about it ... I just started bawling. She made me pull over the car and it just came out." 

So what was his mom's reaction? "She started crying. She was obviously somewhat stunned. But she was very supportive and very comforting." Even now, Aiken admits, "She still struggles with things quite a bit, but she's come a long way." 

As for his own child, Aiken tells PEOPLE that Parker – who was conceived via in vitro fertilization with his best friend, music producer Jaymes Foster – will be raised in an environment that is "accepting and allowing him to be happy." 

Says Aiken: "I have no idea if he'll be gay or straight. It's not something I'll have anything to do with, or that he'll have anything to do with. It's already probably up inside the code there ... No matter what the situation you're in, if you're raised in a loving environment, that's the most important thing."

i dont know this is shockin news or not..shocking bcoz he finally told to the world he's gay but not really shocking bcoz seems like i knew it since he's on idol, but it just become another shocking when its true..
i just respect him for what the truth he tell to the world because he knew that it will bring so much consequences in his career and life..many claymates said in the forum that they will not support him anymore and refuse to continue to be his fans because he's gay...I REALLY DONT HAVE ANY IDEA WHY THEY DID my opinion trully fans wont do that..its like you finally know your friend was gay(that what i felt recently when my really really close friend told me that he was gay)..i dont know what i felt in that moment but one thing for sure i WON'T leave him,or dont want to be his friend anymore..and even i want to be more close with him to support him and maybe give him some advice to return him to his path..
EVEN if someday ARCHIE said the same thing like what clay said(BUT I HOPE NOT)..I'LL KEEP SUPPORT HIM NO MATTER WHAT..i dont have any business with that..that's his business with GOD..all i want to know is his art,song,music etc...thats what i feel r8now..
and what about you claymates?????if u'r claymates, i really want to know your feeling bout that..please..thank you very much..

Sabtu, 20 September 2008

excerpt of BRISINGR 3rd book of the inheritance cycle..THE BOOK LAUNCHED TODAY

Kvetha fricaya.. favorit novel after harry potter finally come...
Forces collide in book three of the phenomenally successful “Inheritance Cycle” by Christopher Paolini. Eragon represents the greatest hope for a better Alagaesia. Can this once simple farm boy rise to become a leader who can unite the rebel forces and defeat the king? Conflict, action and adventure await readers as Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, continue their quest against tyranny. An excerpt.

The elf smiled, revealing teeth that were sharper than normal. “I am Blödhgarm, son of Ildrid the Beautiful.” He introduced the other elves in turn before continuing: “We bring you glad tidings from Queen Islanzadí; last night our spellcasters succeeded in destroying the gates of Ceunon. Even as we speak our forces advance through the streets toward the tower where Lord Tarrant has barricaded himself. Some few still resist us, but the city has fallen, and soon we shall have complete control over Ceunon.”

Nasuada’s guards and the Varden gathered behind her burst into cheers at the news. She too rejoiced at the victory, but then a sense of foreboding and disquiet tempered her celebratory mood as she pictured elves — especially ones as strong as Blödhgarm — invading human homes. What unearthly forces have I unleashed? She wondered. “These are glad tidings indeed,” she said, “and I am well pleased to hear them. With Ceunon captured, we are that much closer to Urû’baen, and thus to Galbatorix and the fulfillment of our dreams.” In a more private voice, she said, “I trust that Queen Islanzadí will be gentle with the people of Ceunon, with those who have no love of Galbatorix but lack the means or the courage to oppose the Empire.”

“Queen Islanzadí is both kind and merciful to her subjects, even if they are her unwilling subjects, but if anyone dare oppose us, we shall sweep them aside like dead leaves before an autumn storm.”

“I would expect nothing less from a race as old and mighty as yours,” Nasuada replied. After satisfying the demands of courtesy with several more polite exchanges of increasing triviality, Nasuada deemed it appropriate to address the reason for the elves’ visit. She ordered the assembled crowd to disperse, then said, “Your purpose here, as I understand it, is to protect Eragon and Saphira. Am I right?” “You are, Nasuada Svit-kona. And we are aware that Eragon is still inside the Empire but that he will return soon.”

“Are you also aware that Arya left in search of him, and that they are now traveling together?”

Blödhgarm flicked his ears. “We were informed of that as well. It is unfortunate that they should both be in such danger, but hopefully no harm will befall them.”

“What do you intend to do, then? Will you seek them out and escort them back to the Varden? Or will you stay and wait and trust that Eragon and Arya can defend themselves against Galbatorix’s minions?”

“We will remain as your guests, Nasuada daughter of Ajihad. Eragon and Arya are safe enough as long as they continue to avoid detection. Joining them in the Empire could very well attract unwanted attention. Under the circumstances, it seems best to bide our time where we can yet do some good. Galbatorix is most likely to strike here, at the Varden, and if he does, and if Thorn and Murtagh should reappear, Saphira will need all our help to drive them off.”

Nasuada was surprised. “Eragon said you were among the strongest spellcasters of your race, but do you really have the wherewithal to thwart that accursed pair?

Like Galbatorix, they have powers far beyond those of ordinary Riders.”

“With Saphira helping us, yes, we believe that we can match or overcome Thorn and Murtagh. We know what the Forsworn were capable of, and while Galbatorix has probably made Thorn and Murtagh stronger than any individual member of the Forsworn, he certainly won’t have made them his equals. In that regard, at least, his fear of treachery is to our benefit. Even three of the Forsworn could not conquer the twelve of us and a dragon. Therefore, we are confident that we can hold our own against all but Galbatorix.”

“That is heartening. Since Eragon’s defeat at the hands of Murtagh, I have been wondering if we should retreat and hide until Eragon’s strength increases. Your assurances convince me that we are not entirely without hope. We may have no idea how to kill Galbatorix himself, but until we batter down the gates of his citadel in Urû’baen, or until he chooses to fly out on Shruikan and confront us on the field of battle, nothing shall stop us.” She paused. “You have given me no reason to distrust you, Blödhgarm, but before you enter our camp, I must ask that you allow one of my men to touch each of your minds, to confirm that you are actually elves, and not humans Galbatorix has sent here in disguise. It pains me to make such a request, but we have been plagued by spies and traitors, and we dare not take you, or anyone else, at their word. It is not my intention to cause offense, but war has taught us these precautions are necessary. Surely you, who have ringed the entire leafy expanse of Du Weldenvarden with protective spells, can understand my reasons. So I ask; will you agree to this?”

Blödhgarm’s eyes were feral and his teeth were alarmingly sharp as he said, “For the most part, the trees of Du Weldenvarden have needles, not leaves. Test us if you must, but I warn you, whomever you assign the task should take great care he does not delve too deeply into our minds, else he may find himself stripped of his reason. It is perilous for mortals to wander among our thoughts; they can easily become lost and be unable to return to their bodies. Nor are our secrets available for general inspection.”

Nasuada understood. The elves would destroy anyone who ventured into forbidden territory. “Captain Garven,” she said.

wanna see another excerpt..visit or

approximately brisingr in bahasa indonesia would be release in march/april next year...too long..i cant wait..somebody please translate it for me..(sapa loh..hehe)

Senin, 01 September 2008

guys..i really really need your help

HAPPY FASTING...1st day ramadhan..

guys i completely need ur help..(for those cook fans n jobros fans,maybe u cant help me..hihi)

david archuleta is now racing in polling on idollive popstaronline and fangap with cook and jobros..

hours ago we lose in fangap but r8 now we can reverse the condition..but i dont think it will last long coz jobros fans are catching up..we need more ppl n fanblast said we are not about to allow anyone who lives on JoBro Lane to come into our neighborhood to snag our flag!..

how dare offense..just be fair..

one more poll we compete with jobros fans..on popstaronline we lead for a long time but today the percentage is going near..only 1% gap..o please mtv pimp my please ppl pimp this out..random..i dont know what that words mean..hihiihi..

and the last..we face like eternal enemy(oh no,just brother)..but i guess we dont want archie got no2 again behind cook(why always cook)...we got so much left in this race..cook already leading by 200 vote..please please please.. 

if u want to vote for david 1866 43657 02..past..ok this the real thing:

- Vote daily in the Teen Choice Best Smile poll - TC says David is losing

- Vote Archie as your favorite Idol here, down the left:

- Vote down the left here that we are indeed the most fanatic fans!!!! I do not know how often this poll can be done. May be just once.

- Vote daily for David in the front page here at Popstar if you can. No need to sign in, just scroll down and poll is on the left.

oh..we got another project..

- dont forget to fill the petition to get crush on TRL

- and another petition to bring david archuleta to superbowl XLIII

ooh gosh im late to the next class.see yaa

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